Friday, May 16, 2008

Top of Mtn

On our way to the next dude ranch, this one at least 10,000 feet, we met at a place called verns for breakfast. This old phone was on the wall and the mtn. lion was staring at us while we ate.
Here is the filleys (onions) enjoying their lunch. It was in the 40's I believe, was suppose to snow, we got lucky only clouds and gusts of wind once in a while.

Scenery going up the mountain, the pics do not do it justice.

This sign was posted on one of the tack sheds inside a corral. Unsure if it was for people or the horses. They are let out each winter in the mountains and if they are not on their game they will not make it to spring. I guess it is a nature thing, the bears and the moutain lions need to eat also.

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